The influence of judo classes on the psycho-emotional state of schoolchildren aged 16–17


Filina Valentina


The problem of improving the health of children, as well as strengthening their physical, mental and spiritual health is one of the most important tasks of the state.  The process of judo training is accompanied by the alternation of different emotional states.  These states are positive or negative, depending on a number of reasons.  During the struggle, emotional states change.  It depends on the course of the match.  Emotion management and the ability to maintain a stable psycho-emotional state is produced by a judoka in the process of gaining sports experience. In recent years, the modern view of healthy living has aroused interest in health care systems and educational institutions based on the inextricable link between body and mind. In addition, public interest in various types of martial arts has now increased to ensure good physical shape and health.  Deterioration of psycho-emotional state and health involuntarily leads to a decrease in intellectual activity.  Judo, according to many researchers, is one of the best ways to improve the physical, mental and emotional state of students.  The article identifies the level of situational anxiety and tests (Spielberger-Hanin) among schoolchildren aged 16-17 who practice judo.  And also the comparative analysis of dynamics of indicators of a psychoemotional condition of boys and girls of 16 – 17 years in the course of experiment is made.  The results of research have shown that judo classes have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of students, meet the age, functional, physical and mental characteristics of boys and girls 16 – 17 years and can be used to solve health problems of judo practitioners.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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