Status and structure of morbidity of university students


Kuznietsova O.,Korolevich A.,Filipsky A.


The physical education system of the students with chronic diseases, health disorders, congenital anomalies, and low level of physical development and physical fitness, does not sufficiently address efficiency restoration and ensuring normal life. The analysis of literature sources actualized the problem and conclusively proved the need for a comprehensive, systematic study of the health of young students. The aim of the study: to monitor the number of students with health disorders at higher education institutions. The research methods: literary, conceptual and comparative analysis; the analysis of the medical examination of students; pedagogical observation; statistical methods. The object of observation was the students of higher education institutions of a special medical group in the amount of 867 people. Studies conducted for a long time in the educational institution "PolesU", confirmed the superiority of cardiovascular diseases among other pathologies (22.15%). In the 2014/2015 academic year, diseases were recorded in 26.51% of students of the special medical group. The reduction in the number of students enrolled in SMG by the third year indicates that due attention is being paid to correcting their physical condition and improving their health. The largest number of students among those classified by health status as a special medical group was the first-year students.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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