Environmental factors in the development of game sports in the Ivano-Frankivsk region


Lyseiko K.ORCID,Yatsiv Y.ORCID,Pityn M.ORCID


The development of the physical culture and sport sphere of over the past year has undergone serious upheavals. This makes it necessary to study the issue of the activities the subjects of the game sports development in modern conditions and to determine the factors of the external environment that affect this process. Purpose: to determine the factors of the external environment (with the help of the PEST-analysis method) those affect the development of game sports and the corresponding activity of the regional branches of the federations in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature, expert survey, methods of mathematical statistics. 13 experts were involved to the study, which representing the subjects of game sports development in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The results. The PEST-analysis method was used with the separation of blocks: politics, economy, society and technology. The application of the PEST-analysis method to study the factors of the external environment that affect the game sports development in the Ivano-Frankivsk region indicated that the following ones have the greatest negative impact: military aggression from the rf and martial law in Ukraine, a vertical management system, the use federations for political PR, high level of corruption, insufficient funding and level of remuneration, inflation and economic crisis, lack of social interest, lack of innovation. The greatest positive impact was noted for the following factors: popularization of a healthy lifestyle, non-involvement in political life, activities of the federation's leadership in the sport sphere, construction of sports facilities, optimization of the taxation system, parents' wishes and vision of child development, implementation of world practices and digitalization. Conclusions. On the basis of the PEST-analysis were determined the factors of the external environment which affecting the game sports development and the corresponding activity of the regional branches of the federations in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. They are grouped according to the main blocks of politics, economy, society and technology.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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