Analysis of the features of the formation of nutrition highly qualified endurance athletes


Vdovenko N.ORCID,Maidanyuk O.ORCID,Kolodyazhna L.ORCID


The issue of nutrition of highly qualified athletes and their timely correction is relevant. Methods. Energy expenditure at rest was determined by indirect calorimetry (Fitmate, Cosmed, Italy; Oxycon Mobile, Germany). 50 highly qualified athletes specializing in biathlon and academic rowing participated in the study. The actual composition of the diets was assessed by individual food diaries. Analysis of rations was carried out using special programs. The results. The actual nutrition of athletes differs from the recommended intake of energy and essential nutrients. The total caloric content of the daily ration at the educational and training meeting in the preparatory period of the annual macrocycle did not meet the minimum recommended norm. However, the individual energy value of the diet varied widely. A reduced relative content of carbohydrates was observed. The average actual content of proteins and fats in the diet of athletes corresponded to the norm. However, if you analyze their minimum and maximum number, you can observe a different picture - a deficit of the minimum and an excess of the maximum number. Conclusions. The analysis of food diaries of athletes revealed non-compliance with the basic principles of ration construction, namely: inconsistency of the energy value of the ration with the average daily energy expenditure, imbalance of the ration according to the main nutrients, inefficient distribution of the ration during the day taking into account the mode and nature of training. A significant deficit of carbohydrates in the diets of qualified athletes has been established. For example, in biathlon women's average carbohydrate consumption from the lower limit of the recommended range is only 60%, in men – 72%, and in academic rowing – 87%.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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