Features of physical and sports rehabilitation of football players 20-25 years after surgical intervention on the connective apparatus of the knee joint


Merzlikina O.ORCID,Sushchenko L.ORCID,Kachur Y.ORCID


The article, based on the study of scientific literature, analyzes the peculiarities of physical culture and sports rehabilitation of football players aged 20-25 years after surgical intervention on the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint. On the basis of the obtained data, a program of physical culture and sports rehabilitation of football players aged 20-25 years after surgical intervention on the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint in the adaptation and training period was developed and substantiated using the following means and methods: physical exercises, therapeutic massage and cryo-massage, kinesiotaping. It was found out that the means and methods of physical culture and sports rehabilitation of football players 20-25 years old after surgical intervention on the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint proposed in the program contributed to the restoration of the functional state of both the operated link of the musculoskeletal system and the functional state of the entire nervous system. muscular apparatus. The peculiarities of the use of means and methods of physical culture and sports rehabilitation of football players aged 20-25 years after surgical intervention on the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint were analyzed. It was found that physical culture and sports rehabilitation is a restorative training activity, an injured athlete can be admitted to such activities only after the recovery of motor abilities and a sufficient level of strength capabilities of the weakened muscles of the thigh and lower leg of the injured limb. Therapeutic massage is aimed at improving blood circulation, lymph flow and strengthening the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. Kinesiotaping is used to restore the physiological normal tone and bioelectrical activity of the thigh and lower leg muscles, which mostly suffer from hypodynamia at the first stage of early rehabilitation; restoration of the athlete's working movement pattern.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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