Oleshko V. G.,Korobeynikov G.V.,Shynkaruc O.A.,Antonyk O.V.,Zhyrnov O.V.
The analysis of scientific-methodical and special literature (results of monitoring Internet sources) on the problems of improving technical skill of qualified weightlifters shows that the problem of studying the spatio-temporal characteristics of competitive exercises of athleyes at the main stages of multi-year improvement remains relevant for coaches and weightlifting specialists.
The purpose of the work is the study of individual and group models of the kinematics of the technique of competitive exercise (velocity of the projectile in different phases of motor action) of weightlifters in the process of effective competitive activity. During of research and analytical work, the following methods were used: the study of scientific and methodological literature, Internet resources, pedagogical observations, video recordings of competitions, biomechanical analysis of the structure of the movement of the barbell, methods of mathematical statistics.
As a result of the research, we analyzed the individual and group models of the kinematics of the snatch and clean and jerk (first phase of C&J) in qualified weightlifters from different countries of the world (winners and medalists of the Olympic Games, world and continental championships).
It has been proven that the efficiency of the technique of performing competitive exercises of qualified weightlifters in characteristics by the appropriate use of spatio-temporal characteristics of projectile movement in various phases of the movement structure of the «athlete-barbell».
The cited research materials show that there are certain differences in the technique of performing competitive exercises in qualified weightlifters of different genders and groups of weight categories regarding the speed characteristics of moving the bar up. It has been confirmed that the of fictiveness of the technique of movement
the barbell by qualified weightlifters is determined by the requirements of the sport – to lift the barbell of maximum weight up witching the space-time characteristics and aria footprint.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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