Analysis of the effectiveness of the physical therapy program on the quality indicators of middle-aged women with hypertension


Lyashenko Valentyna,Odineth Tetiana


The effectiveness of the developed physical therapy program for middle-aged women with hypertension has been studied. The feature of our program was the dynamic performance of exercises in different body positions, adding a certain amount of static exercises, the use of walking of moderate intensity with a heart rate of up to 40% of maximum, as well as psychotherapy and autogenic training. The data of 24 women with hypertension of the 1st degree, who underwent physical rehabilitation for 4 months, were analyzed. The effectiveness of the presented program was assessed by the indicators of quality of life on the questionnaire MOS SF-36, eight scales of which form two integrated indicators: "physical component of health" and "psychological component of health". A detailed analysis of the Hospital Scale in women with hypertension revealed that 44% of women had no symptoms of anxiety, subclinical manifestations of anxiety were observed in 40%, clinical manifestations - in 16% (p <0.05). Detailed analysis of depression showed its absence in 56% of women, subclinical manifestations - in 8% of respondents, clinical - in 36% (p <0.05). The results of the analysis of quality of life indicators after the application of rehabilitation measures indicate the presence of probable positive changes in middle-aged women with hypertension, on almost all subscales. In particular, the improvement of physical condition in women occurred by 18.00 points (p <0.001), the decrease in pain intensity - by 12.00 points (p <0.001), general health - by 20.00 points (p <0.001); vital activity - by 20.00 points (p <0.001), mental health - by 20.00 points (p <0.001). The obtained data show that our proposed program of physical therapy for middle-aged women with hypertension probably changed the quality of life indicators, which concerned, above all, mental health, vital activity and general health.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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