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2. Nikolaienko VV, Avramenko VH, Honcharenko VI. «ta in.». Football: textbook program for children and youth sports schools, specialized children and youth schools of the Olympic reserve and schools of higher sportsmanship. Kyiv: Nauk.-metod. komitet FFU, 2003; 106 с. Ukrainian.
3. Mallo J. Complex Football: From Seirul-lo s Structured Training To Frades Tactical Periodisation. Topprosoccer. Spain. 2015. ISBN: 978-84-606-9666-7
4. Delgado JL, Mendez JA. Tactical Periodization - A Proven Successful Training Model. 2018. 244 p.
5. Wein H. Spielintelligenz im Fußball — Kindgemäß trainieren. Aachen: Meyer&Meyer, 2011. 368 p.