Special physical training of skaters in the preparatory period at the stage of specialized basic training


Huliakin S.


In the process of long-term training, the stage of specialized basic training coincides with the pre-adolescent period of development of skaters, which requires increased attention of coaches, psychologists and doctors. Purpose: to determine the features of physical training of skaters in the preparatory period. Research methods: methods of theoretical level of research were used: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, legal documents and information resources of the Internet on the problem of physical training of skaters in the preparatory period. Results: special physical training of skaters in the preparatory period has a narrower focus and is based on the biomechanical structure of the elements of figure skating. It is aimed at the development of physical abilities due to the specifics of figure skating as a sport, as well as the peculiarities of competitive activities in it. Most of the training activities of skaters are working on jumping elements. To master multi-turn jumps it is necessary to develop a sufficient level of speed and strength abilities (set of high speeds during the run-up period) and strength abilities (push-ups, keeping the body in a group in flight, landing). Today, the ability to keep the group is one of the most important conditions for the jump in three and four turns. Conclusions: in the available scientific and methodological literature there are contradictory data characterizing the features of special physical training of skaters in the preparatory period. The issue of optimizing physical training in figure skating at the stage of specialized basic training in the preparatory period, taking into account the age, physical and functional characteristics of athletes, by redistributing the means of general and special training, as well as regulating the intensity of physical activity, taking into account functional status which requires further study.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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