Selection of cadets foe the national team in sports orienteering in a higher military institution


Romanchuk S.,Oderov A.,Arabskyi A.,Barashevskyi S.,Badan Yu.


In the scientific article it is determined that sport orienteering is one of the military-applied sports developed by the international Council of Military Sports. It was found out that in the Armed Forces of Ukraine this sport has not been developed sufficiently until 2015. The purpose of the work was to study the process of selecting military personnel for the sports orientation section in military institutions of higher education. In order to form national teams, a pedagogical experiment was conducted during which the process of cadets’ selection for classes in the sports orientation was considered for three years (2018 -2021). It was found that cadets want to participate in orienteering sections but most of them do not know how to combine cross-country running and working with maps at the same time (70.7% of cadets). The process of leaving orienteering section by athletes occurs on the first day of training and has the highest percentage of dropouts in the first two months of classes (78.1% of cadets). It has been proved that at least 5 years of training is necessary to prepare a competitive orienteering national team.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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