
Mousa Jamil,Korobeynikova L.G.,Maximovich N.Y.


Purpose: assessment of functional indices of external respiration, the level of physical health and the general state of the autonomic nervous system of university students. Material: There were examined 192 students aged 18-21 years. All examined were divided into groups depending on gender, age and future profession. Anthropometric indices and parameters of the circulatory system were studied. Spirometer was used to measure the respiratory system functional indices. An express assessment of physical health level was made. Index of functional changes, the Kerdo vegetation index, the orthostatic index, and the Skibinskaya index were calculated. Stange test, Hench test and Martin-Kushelevsky’s test were conducted. Results: The results are showed that the minute blood volume was higher in all examined young girls, whereas in young boys designers and pharmacists aged 17-18 years and 19-21 years, respectively it was lower than due values. Similar data were obtained after the Ruffier test (dynamic load tolerance). The index of vital lung capacity (VC) was significantly lower than due values in all students. The parameters of maximal pulmonary ventilation indicated good functional ability of the external respiration apparatus in young boys. This index was higher than that of young girls and exceeded due values. The adaptation capacities of the student body (index of functional changes (IFI)) were at a satisfactory level. The indices of physical health level of all students had average values. Conclusions: Studies have revealed the most characteristic shifts of cardiorespiratory system indices, which are most expressed in students. Cardiorespiratory system shifts are caused by the influence of a complex of factors: increased academic load; requirements for the professionalization process continuity; performance of various structured activity types, manipulations, a high degree of responsibility. Increased pulse rate and minute blood volume; prevalence of the hyperkinetic type of blood circulation self-regulation at rest; irrational cardiovascular system response to dosed physical load; positive value of the Kerdo vegetation index; decreased ventilatory lung capacity and reserve capacity of cardiorespiratory system; tension of adaptation mechanisms; average level of physical health were recorded in students.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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