The formation of the healthy lifestyle behaviors of higher education institution students by means of physical culture and health- improving activities


Gryban G.,Harlinska A.,Solodovnyk O.,Tkachenko P.,Skoruy O.,Pantus O.,Pilipchuk P.


The article proves that the formation of healthy lifestyle behaviors is an important factor in the creative development of a higher education institution student. The formation of the students' healthy lifestyle behaviors is significantly influenced by the system of knowledge and skills in the health sphere, physical culture and health-improving activities, and the means of health preservation. It has been established that solving a set of problems related to the healthy lifestyle behaviors of future specialists is considered one of the important tasks for the improvement of the professional education system. This also relates to the fact that the students' health influences their efficiency, well-being, labor intensity and productivity. Literature sources suggest a variety of approaches that lead to ambiguity in determining the essence and components of healthy lifestyle behaviors, which complicates the process of their formation. The aim of the study is the theoretical substantiation and experimental testing of the efficiency of the methodology for forming students' healthy lifestyle behaviors during physical culture and health-improving activities. The physical culture and health-improving technologies aimed at the formation of the students' healthy lifestyle behaviors are introduced under the following conditions: educational activities are carried out on the basis of programs, implementing an integrative approach to learning, which involves the interrelationship between various branches of science (pedagogy and psychology, anatomy and physiology) and culture; physical culture and health-improving technologies involve the students' active participation in the educational process. The purposeful work on the formation of the students' healthy lifestyle behaviors developed certain theoretical knowledge, motives, interests, values, orientations, and needs for physical education and leading a healthy lifestyle. An important direction in the healthy lifestyle behaviors formation of the higher education institution students is their involvement in physical culture and health-improving activities that are aimed at restoring socially significant values of the living standards and health characteristics; body shaping and body harmony formation; developing diligence, social activity, and communication standards.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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