Influence of trainings with the use of gymnastic platforms on the level of physical fitness of female servicemen


Нlazunov S.


The article considers the organization of trainings with the use of gymnastic platforms during physical training sessions in the autumn-winter period of female cadets training in the Military Institute. It was found that during the training sessions in gender-based mixed groups, female military personnel did not always have sufficient workload and positive training effect. This is due to the different content of the exercises for the military men and women, as well as the significant difference in their level of preparedness. It is proposed to use the exercises on gymnastic platforms during physical training sessions in gender-based groups for female cadets. These exercises were carried out during practical training sessions. The experiment lasted for four months. The experiment involved 29 female cadets in an experimental and control group. As the main means of training were used: the basic step of getting on the platform, step with raising the leg, attached steps, jumping. The duration of the individual exercise on the platforms increased gradually from 15-20 seconds in the first month of training to 2 minutes in the fourth month of training. The exercise on the platforms was combined with exercises for the development of strength qualities and exercises for flexibility. The results of the experiment revealed a reliable improvement in the speed and strength endurance of the control group cadets. The overall endurance of female cadets in both groups deteriorated during the experiment (p≥0.05). The lower rate of deterioration was observed among the cadets of the experimental group. Positive feedback on the conduct of physical training using gymnastic platforms indicates an increase in the motivation of female cadets to physical improvement.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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