Mental training in psychological training of shooters


Shalar O.,Strykalenko Y.,Huzar V.


The goal was to study the psycho-emotional sphere and substantiate the methodology of mental training for shooters. Material and methods: the study involved 12 rifle and pistol shooters of the Kherson Higher School of Physical Education. Among them are athletes with qualifications of the second, first categories, candidates for Master of Sports and Master of Sports of Ukraine. The study continued during 2018-2019. In the course of the research, the method of mental training of shooters was introduced. The results proved that the means of mental training had a positive effect on the state of the nervous system of shooters. Sensory motor responses were superior in less experienced athletes. So, for shooters of the CCM level and below, the results are better than those of the masters of sports: 1) according to the tapping test for 0.75 ms, 2) according to the reaction to a light stimulus for 12.5 ms, c) according to the reaction to a sound stimulus to 55 5 ms. The degree of training according to the Schulte table was high among all shooters, but slightly higher among the masters of sports (by 0.05). A rather high indicator of emotional excitability was found in shooters of masters of sports. Among the representatives of this group were persons with different types of temperament. Basically, the sanguine type prevailed, based on a strong, balanced, mobile type of the nervous system. For the representatives of the second group, which included candidates for masters of sports and first-class athletes, this indicator was at an average level. In our opinion, this is due to the fact that the representatives of this group had persons with a predominantly phlegmatic type of temperament. Conclusions: mental training had a positive effect on the level of mental processes and emotional sphere of shooters. On the basis of the data obtained on the mental sphere of shooters, it was established that these indicators were at high and sufficient levels.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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