Motivations for and interests in health-enhancing exercise of adolescent girls with different body weight


Blagii O.,Maksymenko A.,Martyniuk O.,Domashenko Т.


The article discusses the issue of development of motives and interests in adolescent children with different body weights (normal and underweight) when involving them in programs of physical activity based on the use of health fitness means. The aim of the study was to assess the motives and interests of adolescent girls with different body weights for participation in health-enhancing physical activities in order to increase the level of their involvement in regular physical activity classes. Methods: analysis of theoretical material, comparative analysis (comparison and comparison), sociological methods (questionnaires), and methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 138 girls aged 12-13 years. Results. Priority types of physical activity of 12-13-year-old girls during their leisure time were: walks, dance fitness, roller skating, mental fitness, functional training, and aqua fitness. The choice of types of health-enhancing recreational physical activity did not differ significantly among normal weight and underweight adolescent girls aged 12-13 years. When choosing health-enhancing physical activities, the main objectives were: aesthetic motives (increasing physical attractiveness and body weight management), achievement of prestigious motives (desire to increase prestige, to be accepted in society), recreational motives (active leisure time, emotionally attractive organization of free time, satisfaction from activity). For most adolescent girls, health reasons (improvement of health status and functional capabilities of the body) were not a priority. The difference in answers between normal weight and underweight girls was found to be significant. Conclusion. In the rating of motives of underweight girls, the first places were occupied by aesthetic, prestigious, recreational, and personal motives, whereas in girls with a normative body weight, psychological, aesthetic, and health-recreational motives prevailed.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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