Peculiarities of the functioning of sports education departments at sports schools of Lviv region


Karpa Ihor,Ripak Ihor,Lobasyuk Vitaliy,Fediuk Andrii


One of the main factors that determine the dynamics of these indicators is the degree of development of organizations in the system of training sports reserves: children’s and youth sports schools, specialized children’s and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of higher sports skills and schools of physical culture. Football is the most popular among summer Olympic sports, and therefore a popular sport in sports schools, and also the athletics has a fairly high level of popularity among children in Lviv region, that is established. Chess is the most popular among non-Olympic sports in Lviv region. The results of the study established that there are 2,257 educational groups in Lviv region, the largest number of which are groups of primary training. Such popularity testifies to the increased interest of children in these sports, both in the region and in the country, as well as in the world. The obtained results of the study will predict the direction of physical culture and sports interests and needs, as well as reveal the development trends of certain sports in the region.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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