Algorithm for determining psychophysiological indicators of qualified volleyball players using modern computer technologies


Mishchuk D. M.


The article discusses modern methods of determining the psychophysiological characteristics of athletes using computer technologies, which are widely used in high-performance sports. It is shown that the study of psychophysiological characteristics provides additional information about the athlete's functional state in various conditions of activity. The proposed methodology presents tests that study the main neurodynamic characteristics, cognitive processes and the level of stress resistance of the athlete. The presented set of tests makes it possible to most fully study and analyze the psychophysiological characteristics that are important for ensuring a high training and competitive level. To analyze the indicators of the neurodynamic block, tests aimed at studying the balance (equilibrium) and mobility of nervous processes were selected. It is shown that precisely these indicators to the greatest extent ensure the speed of reaction, the speed of processing continuously incoming information, the speed of mastering technical techniques and actions, the ability to switch from one type of activity to another. Cognitive block offers tests that give an assessment of the effectiveness of the mental activity of volleyball players at each stage of solving a game task. Game activity in volleyball takes place in the form of solving tactical tasks related to the perception of moving objects (ball, opponent), estimation of the parameters of this movement, anticipatory reactions to movement and making operational decisions. Equally important is the athlete's ability to keep emotions under control - to achieve success, a volleyball player must be able to manage his emotions, actions, and mental state in various conditions (in conditions of fatigue, under the influence of confounding factors, etc.). It has been proven that emotional stability is closely related to the strength and balance of the nervous system and is manifested already at the first stages of sports activities. The obtained data will make it possible to introduce prognostic models created for correction and individualization of training of volleyball players in the process of multi-year sports improvement into the stage control system.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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