Content and structure of the technology of organizing the process of physical education of children of middle school age in inclusive classes using table tennis


Hook A.І.


The purpose of the study was to theoretically substantiate the author's technology, namely, to create favorable conditions for the development of motor skills, coordination of movements, physical abilities, general physical fitness and harmonious physical development of students in inclusive classes. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological, specialized literature and Internet sources. As a result of the study, the author's technology for organizing the process of physical education of secondary school students in inclusive classes by means of table tennis was developed, which will serve to form an active and healthy lifestyle of students and develop their abilities in physical education and is based on scientifically based needs for physical activity. Wholet echnologies have been developed that will contribute to the development of motor skills, physical fitness, sportsmanship, social development, and increased motivation for regular physical activity. The tasks of technology that will ensure comprehensive physical development; stimulate interest in physical activities; build sportsmanship; develop team skills and cooperation between students; increase self-esteem and self-confidence; and provide an inclusive environment are highlighted. The basic principles of technology are described that will help to create an effective, inclusive and motivating physical education program for middle school children inclusive classes using table tennis, which will contribute to their comprehensive development and sporting growth. Conclusions. We believe that the use of table tennis equipment in general secondary education institutions in inclusive classes is an effective tool for the comprehensive physical,psychological and social development of students,which will contribute to formation of active and healthy lifestyle of students and development of their abilities in physical education.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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