Management of physical education: analysis of strategies, policies and practices


Mychka I.V.,Hrybuk V.O.


The article presents the author's view of the physical education management system. On the basis of systemic and structural-functional analysis, the structure of modern strategies, policies and practices of functioning and development of the sphere of physical education is presented. The features of the control mechanism in the field of physical education are revealed. Physical education as a socio- economic system that has the mission of developing human potential in modern Ukrainian realities requires reforming the management system through the development of a cybernetic model and innovative management technology, taking into account its socio-economic, legal, scientific, methodological and program-normative foundations. The development of physical education as a socio-economic system is a complex process that takes place in the dynamic conditions of the external environment, which are characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, contradictory transformational changes in the system itself, its structure, and changes in the internal parameters of its functioning. The complexity of the development process of the physical education system poses to scientists a complex theoretical- methodological and practical scientific task regarding the factor analysis of the functioning of the physical education system and the determination of the factors that drive development. Management is one of the properties of the physical education system. The methodological approach applied by the authors to the research problem allows us to assert the relevance of transformational changes in approaches to managing the sphere of physical education based on interdisciplinarity. The modern reform of the public administration system requires responses and changes at the regional levels, taking into account the principles of decentralization of power.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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