
Rymik V.R.


Abstract: In our research, the level of somatic health of cadets of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of the first, second and third years of study was determined. The aim of the research was to determine the level of physical health indicators of future police officers at the institution of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during training. The research showed the dynamics of physical health indicators from the first to the third year of study. The research used theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics, medical and biological methods. We used diagnostic express system of H.L. Apanasenko to determine the level of physical health. The results of the examination of the cadets of the Academy of Internal Affairs indicate that the body mass index of most of the examined corresponds to the average level. Lung volumes indicators showed that 80% of the examined cadets had an insufficient level of development and functional capabilities of the respiratory system. Analyzing the results of the strength index, we can state that this indicator is insufficiently developed in 2/3 of the examined cadets (74%). The indicators of the Robinson index show that in most (92%) of the cadets examined at all courses, the activity of the cardiovascular system according to this indicator is insufficient. The analysis of indicators of pulse response to load shows that 1/2 of the examined (52%) cadets have an insufficient level of functional reserves of the cardiovascular system. We found that the vast majority of examined cadets (85%) of the Academy of Internal Affairs have poor physical health and are outside the safe level (low, below average and average levels of somatic health).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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