Motor activity is a factor of social and psychological adaptation to educational activities at the university


Hladoshchuk Oleksandr


Adaptation of students to the study conditions at the university is a necessary prerequisite for further self-realization, and at this age, for successful educational activities, which can be considered as the initial stage of their inclusion in the professional community. The further course of a modern student's professional life often depends on the successful adaptation to the educational environment. During the life process of student youth, motor activity plays the role as a peculiar growth regulator of a young organism development. Therefore, it is a necessary condition for the formation and improvement of a person both as a biological being, and as a social subject, and as an individual. The purpose of the study is the substantiation and experimental verification of the set of pedagogical conditions for the socio-psychological adaptation of first-year students to educational activities by means of physical culture. Research methods: psychological and pedagogical observation; survey; methods of psychological diagnosis; physiological methods (pulsometry, tonometry, functional tests); methods of motor tests; statistical data processing methods; regression analysis to determine appropriate norms of individual daily motor activity of young people. Grounded and experimentally verified pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation and activation of motor activity, leading a healthy lifestyle by modern students and orient young people to a qualitatively active, positively charged (health-preserving) environment in an institution of higher technical education. Conclusions. The conducted psychological and pedagogical research shows that the achievement of a positive result in the formation and activation of motor activity of student youth takes place under the conditions that the higher technical educational institution has a built-in student orientation scheme for the formation of individual and professional culture (orientation strategy).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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