Asymmetry of muscle strength values during the basic period of rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in athletes


Beziazychna О.V.,Litovchenko V.О.


Objective: to specify the features of muscle strength imbalance values as the criteria defining intensity and progress of rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction in athletes. The study involved 46 athletes having ACL injury. All the injured were young people under 44 years of age according to the current WHO classification. The control group, or experimental group consisted of 23 patients, and there were 25 patient s in the main one. Physical rehabilitation program for the patients of the CG and MG included therapeutic exercises, massage, and electrical myostimulation. Physical rehabilitation program for the MG patients was aimed at the priority recovery of tone, strength and mass of hamstrings. The article evaluates the effect of the developed physical rehabilitation program on the relation of strength values of the injured and intact limbs during the basic period of rehabilitation. The CG patients showed positive changes only according to EMG (asymmetry index of the mean amplitude of the rectus femoris and vastus medialis (р <0,05), and the MG patients significantly restored the balance between muscle strength values according to dynamometry results (moment of hip flexors and extensors strength, р<0,01; asymmetry index of hip flexors and extensors strength, р<0,05), and EMG (asymmetry index of the mean amplitude of the rectus femoris and vastus medialis, р<0,05). The study found that physical therapy program which additionally included electrical myostimulation and special exercises for hamstrings has significant effect on the relation of strength values of the injured and intact limbs during the basic period of rehabilitation.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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