Prospects of introduction of the variative module of "sports wrestling" in physical education of schoolchildren


Asauliuk I.O.,Antoniuk A. E.,Diachenko A. A.,Kovalchuk A.A.,Yakovliv V.L.


The study on the basis of theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and sources of the Internet information network considered information on the importance of elements of wrestling in physical education of schoolchildren. The main purpose of our study was to study the features of the implementation of a variable module "wrestling" in the physical education of schoolchildren. The main objectives of the study are to analyze the importance of the variable module "Wrestling" in physical education of schoolchildren and to summarize theoretical information on the use of elements of wrestling in the process of physical education of schoolchildren. The paper also emphasizes that wrestling is one of the effective means of physical training of the younger generation, which also has a positive effect on emotional, intellectual and social development of students. The results of the implementation of the variable module "Wrestling" education of students' skills in teamwork, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, learn the rules of "fair play", self-organizing physical activity, respect for the partner, increase self- esteem, increase cognitive activity and motivation, involvement in universal values and ideals of Olympism and their self improvement, development of physical qualities and improvement of physical fitness. Thus, due to its emotionality, wrestling is a means not only of physical development, but also active recreation of schoolchildren.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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