Methodological approaches to the organization of rational, healthy and healthy nutrition of athletes engaged in e-sports


Tsyhanenko O.,Pershehuba Ya.,Bohdanovich L.,Sklyrova N.,Oksmytna L.


E-sports is becoming more widespread, including in Ukraine. At the same time, there is a problem of developing methodological approaches to the organization of rational, healthy and healthy nutrition of athletes engaged in e-sports due to the emergence of "play disorders" of alimentary nature, such as overweight, abdominal obesity, metabolic syndrome that needs to be addressed. The purpose of the study: to develop methodological approaches to the organization of rational, healthy and healthy nutrition of athletes engaged in e-sports. Research methods: used methods of theoretical analysis of scientific literature: generalization, formalization, abstraction, synthesis. Research results and conclusions: developed methodological approaches to the organization of rational, healthy and healthy nutrition of athletes engaged in e-sports. It is concluded that ensuring healthy nutrition of athletes engaged in e-sports is possible by combining e-sports with physical education, including fitness, with the use of programs to increase individual (personal) social motivation of athletes to proper eating behavior. A significant problem for e-sports athletes can be a "sedentary" lifestyle with insufficient physical activity, eating and eating disorders, and the subsequent development of "gaming disorders" such as overweight, abdominal obesity, and metabolic syndrome. With regard to athletes engaged in e-sports, it is necessary to assess and correct their actual nutrition with the use of appropriate information computer technology, increase their individual (personal) social motivation for proper eating behavior, using appropriate programs to increase individual (personal) social motivation, involve them in training physical culture, including fitness. Methodologically, rational nutrition should be used for e-sports athletes primarily to balance the daily energy expenditure of athletes with the energy value of their diet, healthy eating should be used primarily to achieve the optimal ratio of rational nutrition with sufficient physical activity, and sufficient motor activity, nutrition - for the prevention and treatment of alimentary pathology: overweight, obesity, metabolic syndrome.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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