Organizational and methodological approaches to the construction of training classes for younger school children in a swimming sports club


Korolchuk B. V.


The search for reserves to increase the effectiveness of the training process in swimming prompted consideration of the prospect of its implementation in the conditions of a swimming sports club. Instead, the construction of swimming training classes for children of primary school age in the conditions of a sports club has a significant number of questions regarding their organization and methods of conducting. The purpose of the work is to develop and verify the effectiveness of organizational and methodological approaches to building training classes with children of primary school age in a swimming sports club. The results. In the process of building educational and training classes in swimming in the conditions of a sports club, attention should be paid to the following organizational and methodological approaches: the readiness of the coach to solve the tasks of the educational and training process at a high professional level; development of coordinated strategies for the functioning of the training model for young athletes in compliance with its main stages and the gradual algorithm for solving training tasks; differentiation of the content of the training of young athletes in swimming based on taking into account the individual characteristics of their physical condition; establishment of operational algorithms of interaction between subjects of the educational process in order to achieve its maximum efficiency; systematic control over the course of the educational and training process with the implementation of various forms of control and the use of informative indicators of its effectiveness. The implementation of these approaches in the training activities of young swimming athletes contributed to statistically significant changes in the level of children's swimming readiness. Conclusion. The implementation of the swimming training process in the conditions of a sports club requires the systematization of this activity and the observance of organizational and methodical approaches to the interaction of all subjects of the educational and training process. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches with a positive effect on the level of swimming readiness of children of primary school age was experimentally verified.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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