Prerequisites for the introduction of climbing in the recreational activities of primary school age children with emotional and volitional disorders


Kadiyeva M.V.


The article aims to determine the advisability and prerequisites for the introduction of climbing in the recreational activities of primary school age children with emotional and volitional disorders. The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of professional scientific and methodological literature; comparative analysis; expert assessment; pedagogical, anthropometric, physiological, psychodiagnostic research methods; physical health assessment methods; mathematical statistics methods. Based on the expert assessment, we identified factors limiting the effectiveness of health and recreational activities with this cohort, and determined the organizational and methodological conditions for the introduction of climbing in recreational activities of primary school age children with emotional and volitional disorders. The analysis of the physical development of children with emotional and volitional disorders confirmed and supplemented research conducted by other authors proving that emotional and volitional disorders do not have any fundamental influence on changes in the growth patterns of the child's body. It was found that the indicators of the functional state of the cardiovascular system of primary school children with emotional and volitional disorders did not differ significantly from that of children of the same age with normative development. The analysis of the physical fitness of the studied cohort confirmed the existing trends in the professional literature regarding the insufficient level of physical qualities development in junior schoolchildren. The results obtained in 6 motor tests measuring the development of coordination skills indicate that in younger students aged 9-10 the level of these skills is much lower than in their peers with normative development. The analysis of the emotional and volitional features of junior schoolchildren aged 9-10 years of both sex groups showed the lack or insufficient development of the following studied qualities: discipline, independence, perseverance, endurance, organization, determination, and initiative, which indicates the difference between this cohort of students from their peers with normative development. In the study of the psycho-emotional sphere in this cohort of schoolchildren, we found dominance of medium and high levels of psycho-emotional stress in both boys and girls aged 9-10, which significantly distinguishes them from peers with normative development.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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