Approaches to assessing competitive activity in team sports games


Mitova O.,Maloyvan Ya.,Khaniukova O.,Ivchenko O.,Rakovska I.


The article analyzes the state of the problem of using different approaches to the assessment of competitive activity in team sports games. The purpose of the study is to analyze modern approaches to the assessment of competitive activity in team sports games based on scientific and methodological literature. Research methodology: analysis of special, scientific and methodological literature, analysis of computer programs for the analysis of competitive activity, systematic method, generalization and systematization of data. Research results. In the course of the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, reserves for further scientific researches in this area were revealed, namely the development of a system for comprehensive control of the competitive activity of young basketball players, the basis of which should be: modern trends in the development of children's and youth basketball (changes in the rules of the game, special regulations of competitions taking into account age characteristics, the calendar of competitions during the annual cycle, the amount of games); inconsistency of the content of modern technical and tactical actions with control tests (the one is studied - the other is controlled); the absence of a differentiated approach to the selection of tests depending on the age and stage of preparation, the period of the annual cycle; lack of a comprehensive assessment of special abilities affecting the effectiveness of competitive activity (assessment of theoretical preparedness, psychological state, special psychological preparation); lack of a program for evaluating technical and tactical actions during competitive activity, designed specifically to control the mastery of actions taking into account the tasks for the multi-year training stage of young basketball players and the specific features of team playing. Conclusion. In the study, the attempt to determine the basic elements of the system for evaluating competitive activity in team sports games, which, of course, can be improved and expanded in the future was made .


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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