Features of the scientific-methodical provision of physical training of athletes in combat sports


Roztorhui Mariia,Volodchenko Oleksandr,Tovstonoh Oleksandr,Chykalina Yuliia,Detko Andrii


On the basis of the analysis of the available scientific knowledge, it was found that the physical training of athletes in martial arts is a complex multi-component process that requires a comprehensive scientific justification, and the system of scientific and methodological support of martial artists is based on research of the last century, which negatively affects the effectiveness of competitive activities and the training of athletes in sports martial arts. It has been established that the conceptual provisions of the system of scientific and methodological support for the physical training of athletes in martial arts need improvement based on taking into account the requirements for the physical fitness of martial artists, which puts forward the modern level of effectiveness of competitive activities in martial arts. The postulates of the system of scientific and methodical support for the physical training of sportsmen in martial arts, which for many years allowed Ukrainian athletes to occupy leading positions, today require scientifically based modernization, which requires a consistent solution of the following tasks: to identify the problem area and the main directions of the scientific and methodical support of physical training athletes in martial arts; to determine the essence and place of physical training of athletes in the system of multi-year improvement in martial arts; to reveal the significance of indicators of physical fitness of athletes in achieving a sports result in sports martial arts at various stages of long-term training; substantiate the concept of physical training of athletes in the system of multi-year improvement in martial arts; to develop implementing provisions of the concept of physical training of athletes in martial arts in the form of kickboxing physical training programs at various stages of multi-year training; to experimentally check the effectiveness of implementation provisions of the concept of physical training of athletes in martial arts; to develop a set of measures to improve the organizational, regulatory and methodical foundations of physical training of sportsmen in martial arts.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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