Formative assessment of children's learning results in physical culture lessons in New Ukrainian School


Yarmoshchuk Olena,Vasylyuk Vasyl,Hryhorovych Oleksandr


The thesis analysed modern methodical approaches to the assessment of educational achievements of students in physical education lessons at the New Ukrainian School at various stages of education. The main determinants had identified of the activity of the physical culture teacher in relation to the organization of formative assessment Furthermore, in the process of work, it had found that the barriers to the wider use of formative assessment are: the discrepancy between formative assessment and final tests, which are designed to ensure the accountability of schools regarding the educational achievements of students; the lack of consistency between assessment and evaluation at the school and classroom levels and the perception that formative assessment is too resource-intensive and time-consuming to be practical. The methodology of formative assessment techniques is justified. Assessment in physical education is carried out in the following areas: cognitive domain - what students know and understand; health-related physical fitness - improvement of physical fitness levels; psychomotor skills - what students can do and perform; affective domain - attitudes and beliefs towards the subject. It is noted that assessment in the affective domain involves: identifying behaviors; communicating actions (indicators) that are acceptable for students to meet the expectations regarding the assessed characteristics/behavior; using checklists, rating scales, journals, event records, exit slips, written tests. General behavioral characteristics include: effort (willingness to participate); fair play (sportsmanship); readiness to cooperate (teamwork). These characteristics may have different significance for different individuals, so it is the teacher who decides which characteristics/behaviors are most important for the lessons.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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