On the issue of planning the physical training of athletes in the conditions of the distance training process


Moskalenko N.,Afanasyev S.,Mykytchyk O.,Dolbycheva N.,Chekmarova N.


The article is devoted to the specifics of physical training of athletes in the conditions of the remote training process. In recent years, the issue of organizing remote forms of the educational process has gained some relevance. This is due to the introduction of quarantine restrictions throughout Ukraine in March 2020, as well as the introduction of martial law in February 2022. This led to increased attention of scientists to the issues of scientific and methodological substantiation of the organization and planning of the process of physical training of young athletes in the conditions of the remote training process. The purpose of the study is to consider the issue of planning the physical training of athletes. in the conditions of the remote training process (on the example of the training of boxers who train at the stage of initial training) based on the analysis of literary sources. Research was conducted during 2022. In the course of the study, the means of physical education were established, which are recommended to be used in the process of general and special physical training of young boxers during online training. The advantages and disadvantages of online distance learning are revealed. The main conditions for the application of general and special physical training at home are defined. Received further development of knowledge regarding the substantiation of practical recommendations for holding classes with young boxers in conditions of remote training. Scientific data have been confirmed that prove that the special physical training of boxers is a leading factor among a number of indicators of achieving high sports results in the future. In turn, their general physical training should have a predominant health-improving focus


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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