Approbation of the Program of Occupational Therapy of young men who specialize in Wrestling, after treatment of knee joint injuries


Khatsaiuk Olexandr,Vaniuk Dariya,Sirenko Romana,Deliamba Mykhailo,Martynenko Aleksandr,Shepel Yevhen


It is known that during the educational and training process and during participation in competitions, sportsmen and women who specialize in wrestling often receive injuries of various kinds, which negatively affects the indicators of their sportsmanship. This, in turn, requires qualified medical assistance and the subsequent organization of an effective and balanced System of Occupational Therapy. What in the future will ensure a quick and safe introduction of wrestlers to systematic training in the chosen sport and increase the indicators of Competitive Activity. The main goal of the study is to adjust and approve an Experimental Program of Occupational therapy for young men aged 17-19 who specialize in Sambo wrestling after treatment of knee joint injuries. The study was carried out in accordance with the Plan of the Initiative Scientific Project "Ergo Therapy of knee joints". In the process of Research and Analytical work, the following Research Methods were used: abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, modeling, mathematical and statistical analysis. As a Result of an Empirical Study, the members of the Research Group developed and tested an Experimental Program of Occupational Therapy for young men aged 17-19 who specialize in Sambo wrestling after treatment of knee joint injuries. The Experimental Program developed by us was implemented during three stages: Theoretical-Adaptive, Corrective and Engaging. Prospects for Further Research in the chosen field of Scientific Research include the development of an Occupational Therapy Program for women who specialize in Combat Sports after treatment of knee joint injuries.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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