The Dynamics of Coordination Ability Development in Middle School Students through Object-Based Active Games in Physical Education Classes


Marchenko S.,Golenkova Yu.,Putnina Yu.


Physical education classes in modern Ukrainian schools play a crucial role in ensuring students' physical development and health, as well as in shaping their overall physical and sports awareness. Contemporary trends in education facilitate the exploration of new forms and means of conducting physical education classes and the enhancement of existing ones. The purpose of this article is to investigate the development dynamics of coordination abilities in middle school students when using mobile games with objects during physical education lessons. Mobile games are an essential component of student's physical development and can serve as a means of relieving stress while effectively enhancing physical qualities. The use of not only standard equipment (balls, gymnastic sticks, jump ropes, hoops) but also non-traditional items (air balloons, boards, etc.) adds emotional depth to the lessons and increases interest in physical education. The research conducted revealed a positive shift in coordination ability indicators for both boys and girls as a result of using mobile games with objects during physical education classes. In boys, the likely improvements were observed in the ability to assess and regulate spatial-temporal and dynamic parameters of movement (p<0,05), the ability to maintain vestibular stability (p<0,05), the ability to maintain balance (p<0,001), movement coordination ability (p<0,001), and rhythmic activity ability (p<0,001). For girls in the experimental group, coordination ability indicators exhibited likely improvements in differentiating spatial- temporal parameters of movement (p<0,05), the ability to maintain vestibular stability (p<0,01), the ability to maintain balance (p<0,001), movement coordination ability (p<0,001), and rhythmic activity ability (p<0,001). In conclusion, the use of mobile games with objects during physical education classes for middle school students contributes to the development of their coordination abilities.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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