Marushchak Maryan,Golub Valentine,Matviіenko Mykhailo
The purpose of the work was to clarify the views of the authors on the peculiarities of the use of massage and self-massage as a means of physical culture in the functional purpose of psychophysical adaptation to stressful conditions in the conditions of martial law and extreme training situations. The main tasks of the research are: to carry out an analysis of scientific sources regarding the status of massage and self- massage in the list of means of physical culture and to single out part of the content of psychophysical regulation; to adapt generally accepted recommendations and rules to the social, psychological and physical features of modern living conditions.
The article presents the interpretation of the authors of scientific publications regarding the types of massage and their views on the use of massage therapy in the context of the effect on the nervous system and the regulator of psychological states; variants of adaptation of generally recognized methodical requirements and rules for the use of self-massage to the negative conditions of martial law, manual actions in emergency situations are considered. Consideration of the forms and methods of massage and self-massage in the context of modern living conditions, views on their use for the purpose of psychophysical resistance to tense states of danger and risk should be considered a novelty of the research.
The conclusions indicate the possibility of using the means of physical culture as effective means of regulation and restoration of the body in extreme conditions of the military state; it is emphasized that massage and self-massage can act as a positive way of resisting stressful conditions and expanding the body's adaptive capabilities.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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