Correction of manifestations of psychoemotional stress in students: meditative techniques in combination with pharmacological support in the martial art of ju-jutsu


Orlov Oleksandr,Gunina Larysa,Vysochina Nadija


The goal is to substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the combined meditative-pharmacological methodology of relieving emotional stress in students of higher education institutions during Ju-jutsu martial arts classes. Methodology: analysis and generalization of educational and methodological literature, systematization of scientific data, generalization of practical experience, comparison of different views on the investigated problem; pedagogical survey for the purpose of studying the level of stress resistance. Scientific novelty. An analysis of modern scientific and scientific-methodological literature was carried out and factors influencing the mental health of students were investigated, in particular, the severity of manifestations of psycho-emotional stress during studies in institutions of higher education, and the negative impact of this phenomenon on the functional state of organs and systems of the body was proven. deterioration of health and quality of life. The expediency of using meditative techniques to reduce the severity of stressful manifestations is shown. For the first time in the practice of martial arts, a combination of meditation was used during the training process of students engaged in the martial art of ju-jutsu to reduce the severity of manifestations of stress, and the use of a special nutritional supplement with a neuroprotective focus "Acetyl-L-carnitine" to correct the manifestations of emotional stress that occurs in students of higher education institutions during their studies. Conclusions. To reduce the manifestations of stress, students use means that not only do not correspond to the prevention of mental health, but also often have a negative effect on it (nicotine, alcohol, drugs, physical and mental overload, etc.). For this purpose, the use of meditative techniques in combination with special neuroprotective agents significantly helps to reduce the severity of manifestations of psychoemotional stress of university students.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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