Features of the content formation of the discipline “Modern valeological technologies” as a mandatory educational component in the professional training of students of educational program “Human Health and Physical Recreation”


Bilyk V.,Sheremet I.,Vasylenko K.


This article presents the experience of introducing the mandatory educational discipline "Modern valeological technologies" into the educational process of training applicants of specialty 017 "Physical culture and sport" (on the example of the " Human Health and Physical Recreation" educational program). The purpose of this article is to highlight the experience of using the pedagogical potential of the health-preserving content of the discipline "Modern valeological technologies" in the process of professional training of future specialists in physical recreation and teachers of the basics of health. The content and structural elements of this training course are revealed with the hours indicated, a brief thematic plan is presented. It is proposed to study the discipline "Modern valeological technologies" in the V-VI semester, after studying other basic disciplines of the professional training cycle in the I-II course, such as "Theory and methods of physical education", "Human anatomy with the basics of general and age-related physiology and sports morphology", "Physiology of physical exercises and motor activity" etc. The total amount of study time is 180 hours (6 ECTS credits), including 28 hours – lectures, 50 hours – practical and seminar classes and 102 hours – independent work. The final control form is an exam. It is noted that the following types of active and interactive teaching methods are the most effective in helping students learn the health-preserving content of the discipline "Modern valeological technologies": context-type lectures: problem (discussion) lectures, lectures with visualization, lectures-conversations, binary lectures, lectures with pre-planned mistakes, press conferences, reflective lectures, "lectures in pairs" or combined variations can be used as well, which will compensate for the shortcomings of a typical lecture; innovative forms of seminar classes: pro-seminar, seminar using heuristic conversation, seminar-colloquium, seminar-conference, seminar-dispute, seminar-workshop, seminar-brainstorming, seminar-business game; training methods.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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