Visual performance as a factor of increase performance in ball shooting


Bondarenko Sergii,Hrytsenko Volodymyr


The article examines the question of the effectiveness of the factor of visual performance on indicators of technical training of shooters of different levels. In particular, the indicator of the average length of the aiming trajectory during the performance of the competitive exercise AP-3 on the electronic simulator "Scatt" was studied. The purpose of the article: to justify the need to use indicators of visual performance when analyzing the technical characteristics of a shot, obtained on the basis of the use of the optoelectronic simulator "Scatt". The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach, which allows considering the aiming phase as a complex functional system of constant sensory control over the shooter's precise movements. The research used the method of computer simulation of the execution of a shot based on the use of an electronic simulator. To study visual performance, the correction test method was used. To assess visual productivity, which characterizes working capacity, the Weston formula was used, which calculated the quality and speed of visual work, as well as its integral index. The scheme of the ascertainment experiment consisted in the parallel collection of data on indicators of technical readiness and visual performance when performing the competitive exercise AP-3 (AP-60 according to the international classification) on the " Scatt " simulator. Correction sheets were filled out before and after the mentioned competitive exercise. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the significance of the factor of visual performance as a stable sensory ophthalmoergonomic basis of the predictor of the average length of the aiming trajectory.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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