Bazylevych Nataliia,Zakopailo Serhii,Polishchuk Vitaly
Issues of maintaining and strengthening health are relevant especially in current wartime, since psychological stress and harsh war conditions lead to negative dynamics in the health of schoolchildren. Special studies have determined that the age of 11-12 years is optimal for the development of various manifestations of speed abilities. The purpose of the study is to experimentally test the effectiveness of using athletics in the process of developing the speed abilities of schoolchildren aged 11-12 years in a school section. Methodology. To solve the problems, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of the problem based on the study of scientific and methodological literature; analysis of software, methodological and regulatory documents; pedagogical observation, testing, pedagogical experiments; methods of mathematical statistics. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the improvement of the methodology for using athletics to develop the speed abilities of younger adolescents. Research results. The experimental methodology for developing speed abilities contained the following requirements for athletics equipment: their technique must be so simple that it allows performing exercises at maximum speed; their duration should not exceed 30s; they must correspond to the specific manifestation of speed and the conditions for performing motor actions; they should be varied and interesting for younger teenagers. The peculiarity of this methodology was that the definition of tasks and the choice of methods and means of athletics corresponded to the current level of physical development of schoolchildren, their preferences and the material and technical base of the school. Conclusions. A quantitative analysis of indicators of speed abilities of schoolchildren in grades 5-6 showed that the absolute increase in the results of students in experimental classes reliably (P 0.05) exceeded the indicators of control classes in most test tasks, which proves the effectiveness of the implemented methodology.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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