The moral and ethical dimension as an axiological priority of sports activity


Zavalniuk Оlena


The article emphasizes that sports ethics is an integral part of sports activities and determines its social role in the formation of modern society. It is argued that the existence of physical education and sports activities based on ethical principles contributes to the creation of a healthy, just and harmonious society, promotes personal development and education of generations. It is noted that the principles of fair play have a broad social impact, and their reflection in interpersonal relations, youth education and the formation of public values is determined by the axiological basis of sports ethics. The purpose of the study is tohighlight the role of the Fair Play principle as an axiological priority of socio-cultural transformations of sports activities. Methodology. The study of the functional potential of sports activities and the possibility of human improvement was based on historical and structural-functional methods, as well as the methodology of transcendental pragmatics, which allows us to consider life-creation in the communicative plane. Scientific novelty. The meaning of the principle of fair play as a fundamental ideological guideline for all participants in sports activities is determined, the main thing is the process of combining in practice the principles of respect for the opponent, respect for the rules of the game and the decisions of the judges, equality of chances for all participants in the competition, etc. Conclusions. The author emphasizes the significant role of sport in the education of moral and ethical qualities of a personality, which is manifested in the formation of character, courage, sense of responsibility and ideals of fair play, etc. At the same time, sport also has a downside, characterized by egocentrism, unscrupulousness, pragmatism, and a thirst for victory at any cost. Hence the need to create a system of purposeful sports education, which should realize the significant positive educational potential of sports activities and curb the negative impact of sports on the individual.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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