Features of the formation of healthcare competence of higher education acquires


Syrovatko Zoia,Yefremenko Viktoriia


The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of health-saving competence of higher education students in the process of physical education. A theoretical analysis of the literature sources of the studied phenomenon is carried out and it is determined that the preservation and promotion of student health is the most necessary task in higher education institutions. It is emphasized that the peculiarities of the living conditions of modern youth, environmental problems, the growth of harmful information in social networks, the continuous development of technological progress, the abuse of bad habits as opposed to a healthy lifestyle, limited physical activity and other factors negatively affect the health of modern student youth. It is noted that higher education institutions should pay more attention to the introduction of innovative content, forms, methods and technologies aimed at forming the health-saving competence of students during physical education classes. It was made conclusions that in the formation of health-saving competence of students in the process of physical education, teachers should should try to solve such problems as: forming an understanding of the importance of health competence; promoting the improvement of higher education students' levels of physical and mental fitness; use of innovative means of teaching and education innovative means of teaching and upbringing; monitoring and evaluation of the results of students' educational activities by means of physical education; coverage of more students who do not have the opportunity to attend physical education classes; organization of distance learning and training for higher education students; popularization and promotion of a healthy lifestyle through the use of modern digital technologies; creating opportunities for students to be involved in physical education and recreation activities (to improve physical health).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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