Physical culture as an element formation of leadership and management competences in institutions of higher education


Slukhenska R.V.,Hauriak O.D.,Pismenna L.V.,Bamburak V.B.


The article highlights the peculiarities of the formation of managerial and leadership qualities in physical education classes in institutions of higher education. It has been established that the quality of acquiring organizational and managerial competences depends on the synergy of anthropological, natural, social and technological resources of the educational cluster. Modern methods in the segment of physical education transform the components of management experience: on the one hand - completing efforts to unify the management paradigm; on the other hand, it significantly increases the quantitative indicators of individual features of managerial activity. Therefore, the modern management model is characterized by flexibility and dynamism, which leads to a change in the principles of training students in the process of physical education. The management paradigm in the global world is focused on the inclusion of innovative elements that accompany the physical training of a higher education student and gain weight in the socio-cultural life of society.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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