Application of crossfit in physical training of law enforcement officers


Romanchuk S.,Hunchenko V.,Ishchenko Ye.,Iarovyi M.,Shevchenko O.,Poplavets V.,Lashta V.


Military professional activities place significant demands on the training of military personnel during participation in combat operations. Scientific research confirms that the most effective means and method of forming the professional readiness of law enforcement units is the quality training of soldiers in military higher education institutions. It is this training that requires the search for new methods and technologies for organizing forms of physical training with military personnel of all specialties. Scientists consider crossfit to be an effective, popular sport that is important in the development of general physical qualities and maintaining the functional state of a soldier at the proper level, and is rapidly developing among different segments of the population in the world. The article examines the professional and motor fitness of law enforcement officers, which ensures the success of military and professional activities. The author assesses the levels of physical fitness of officers and substantiates the relevance of crossfit as a system of a new sport that demonstrates many qualities: strength, agility, endurance, speed, coordination. The possibility of including cross-fit in the system of professional and applied physical training of law enforcement officers in order to increase the level of military and applied readiness of each officer is considered. The effectiveness of cross-fit means and methods in the development of professionally significant strength qualities of students is proved.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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