The main criteria for building an educational and training process for cadets of higher military educational institutions using modern systems of physical training


Yahodzinskyi V. P.,Pidleteychyk R. V.,Rodionov M.O.,Boguh M. I.,Stoianov R. V.,Kozlov S. V.,Sydorchuk V.V.


As a result of theoretical research, conducting surveys of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Military academy of Odesa, members of the research group formed the initial data of the main criteria for the organization of classes during physical training with cadets of higher educational institutions using modern systems of physical development. A list of positive conclusions has been created, which, according to scientists, indicate, an increase in efficiency in the introduction of modern, effective methods of physical hardening into the system of physical training. A list of negative factors has been formed, which, during the introduction of modern methods of improving physical qualities into the training programs of educational institutions, can reduce the effectiveness of the training process for the training of cadets of higher educational institutions. Conclusions are drawn from the experience of applying modern approaches to the acquisition of the necessary competence in the physical capabilities of military personnel of the leading countries.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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