Level of motor activity of internally displanced women of nature age


Kovalova Nataliya,Dmytriv Roman,Kovalenko Kateryna,Kovalov Volodymyr


The article is devoted to the study of the level of motor activity of internally displaced women of mature age. The purpose of the study is to determine the level of motor activity of internally displaced women of mature age. The following methods were used to solve the set goal: theoretical analysis and data processing, descriptive method, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, Fremenheim method and methods of mathematical statistics. The article presents the results regarding the attitude of internally displaced women of mature age to specially organized physical activities, their motivational priorities. The motivational attitudes of internally displaced women of mature age during classes in specially organized physical activity were studied. It was established that women put support and improvement of physical fitness in the first place. The second place was taken by the option - distraction from problems and troubles, the third place was given by women - the search for new acquaintances. Using the Fremenheim method, the level of motor activity of internally displaced women of mature age was investigated. The data of the research results are presented. It was established that women have low indicators of high and medium levels of motor activity. The need to include activities in the daily (working and weekend) regime that will be aimed at increasing the level of motor activity and, in particular, activities corresponding to a high level of activity, is highlighted


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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