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2. Andreeva O, Hakman A. (2022) Vplyv sposobu zhyttia na pokaznyky psykhoemotsiinoho stanu osib pokhyloho viku. [The influence of lifestyle on indicators of the psycho-emotional state of the elderly]. Theory and methods of physical education and sports. Vol.3. P. 32-36.
3. Olena Andreeva, Anna Gakman, Anna Volosyuk. (2023) Ozdorovcho-rekreatsiina rukhova aktyvnist yak sposib znyzhennia tryvozhnosti u vnutrishno peremishchenykh osib. [Health-recreational physical activity as a way to reduce anxiety in internally displaced persons]. The place and role of physical therapy in the modern health care system: materials of the II All- Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Internet Conference (Chernivtsi, February 16, 2023) / edited by Y.B. Dawn Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi national University. P. 13-16.
4. Balakireva O. Spektr problem vnutrishnikh pereselentsiv v Ukraini: shvydka otsinka sytuatsii ta potreb. [The range of problems of internally displaced persons in Ukraine: a quick assessment of the situation and needs]. URL: http://www/uisr.org.ua/news/36/83.html
5. Hakman, Anna, Anna Volosiuk. (2022) Osoblyvosti fizychnoho ta psykholohichnoho staniv vnutrishno peremishchenykh osib. [Peculiarities of the physical and psychological conditions of internally displaced persons]. Problems of intensification of recreational and recreational activities of the population: coll. materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (October 7-8, 2022, Lviv). Lviv: LDUFK named after Ivan Boberskyi. P. 22-24. I8ВН 978-617-8135-02-7.