Bazylevych N.O.,Shulga M.P.,Polishchuk V.V.,Samolyuk A.A.,Volkivsky M.V.
The article reflects the problem of using athletics to develop the professional competence of applicants for higher education at a pedagogical university. Increasing the physical and mental performance of applicants for modern higher education institutions requires solving a number of urgent problems related to the scientific validity of more rational forms, methods and means of promoting the health, physical fitness and professional competence of students.
The purpose of the study is to optimize athletics facilities for the development of professional competence of students.
Research methodology: the analysis of scientific and methodological literature made it possible to formulate an opinion about the state and future of the problem under consideration; pedagogical methods aimed at determining the effectiveness of the implemented method of using athletics equipment (pedagogical control, pedagogical observation, testing); methods of mathematical statistics were used to process and analyze experimental data.
The scientific novelty lies in improving the methodology for using athletics to develop the professional competence of future physical education teachers.
Research results. When organizing athletics classes with students in the experimental group, the following general provisions were observed: the correct choice of athletics equipment for classes, as a result of which the impact was carried out on specific muscle groups and body systems; rational combination of different types of exercises in complex training; consistent use of athletics to develop certain physical qualities; strictly dosed physical activity; use of modern special equipment and sports equipment.
Results. Analyzing the general changes that occurred during the period of experimental work during classes with priority use of athletics with students of a pedagogical university, we can state reliable positive changes in the indicators of both the physical fitness of the subjects and the level of their knowledge and skills. The obtained indicators indicate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for using athletics in the formation of professional competence of higher education applicants.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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