Awareness through movement as a key educational task of students' physical education


Boyko G.L.,Kozlova T.G.,Sharafutdinova S.U.


The purpose of the study was to clarify the views of the authors and to form in students a meaningful performance of physical exercises, awareness of the features of the rational use of motor activity in the process of physical education classes. The subject discussion of the work is the disclosure of the need to consciously use the knowledge of the development of various physical abilities in the directions of understanding motor actions and studying ways of mastering the skills of analyzing one's own physical culture. Performing work tasks through the analysis of pedagogical literature, physical culture literature and information from the Internet about the main features of the study of one's own motor capabilities makes it possible to direct the educational directions of familiarizing students with the characteristics and awareness of the rationality of performing motor actions, enriching the conscious experience of using physical culture tools. Such aspects should be considered the novelty of the research. The conclusions emphasize the views on the relevance of introducing aspects of the students' conscious perception of the methodological features of independent research into the educational process of practical physical education classes and improving the rationality of performing motor actions and implementing means of removing excess load.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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