Yefremenko A.,Nasonkina O.,Zhohlo V.,Kolokolov V.,Khmeliuk O.,Krainyk Ya.
The process of training athletes in athletics requires the use of the latest technologies that will contribute to its qualitative transformation. One of these directions today is distance learning technologies, which is associated with the rapid digitalization of the educational environment. A topical issue is determining the possibilities of introducing elements of distance learning into the training process in athletics. Its solution is based on the analysis of theoretical provisions and practical experience regarding the application of distance learning technologies in the field of physical culture and sports. It has been established that currently the experience of distance learning in sports is not a common practice, in particular, in athletics. However, the technology of this phenomenon as a result of its introduction into the training process of track and field athletes can create advantages for certain aspects of training athletes. Distance learning allows you to focus on improving theoretical training, mobility of subjects of the training process, improving control and accounting of independent training work of athletes. However, a number of problematic issues of distance learning implementation in sports training have been determined, which are related to the organization of proper feedback, control and accounting of the components of the training process, and the distance between the subjects of the training process. It is unlikely that the issue of motor learning using distance educational technologies can be rationally resolved. The development of high-quality training courses requires significant knowledge and resources of developers. The areas of training of track and field athletes in which the elements of distance learning can be tested have been established. The range of tools that can be used to solve the tasks of the training process of track and field athletes by types of training is determined.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University