Konoval Y.M.,Bobrovnyk V.I.
The article determines the indicators of aerobic flexibility. The article represents the influence of aerobic power on sport`s results in cycling. The strategy of development aerobic power is formed for the improvement sport`s result in cycling competition at the stage of higher preparation for achievements. Increasing aerobic production is connected with development of sport`s adaptation that depends on intensification of training, a balanced diet with the maintenance of «high carbohydrate availability» sleep and rest mode and work with stress. Among the most appropriate training modes for the development of aerobic adaptation the article determines threshold training, slow long-distance cycling and the method of progressive overload with structured periodization. The article systematizes factors determining the flexibility of the aerobic system and its influence on results in cycling. Strategies for increasing of aerobic productivity are formed. Defined scientistic literature has a limited amount of dataset about influence of aerobic system on result in cycling during preparation for competition. The most effective methods for increasing aerobic power are also defined.
To build a strategy for increasing aerobic power, the intensity of physiological processes directly influencing it and depending on the body's adaptability during the training process was also analyzed. The adaptation of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems plays a predominant role here. The respiratory system works to increase the maximum amount of oxygen delivered to the blood in the alveoli, raising the values of VO2max and ventilatory capacity to an acceptable level that does not switch metabolism to the anaerobic pathway. The cardiovascular system increases cardiac output and heart rate to continually increase the volume of oxygen-rich blood delivered to the muscles.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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