Beihul Ihor,Beihul Olena,Hladoshchuk Olexandr
Purpose. To consider the effectiveness of table tennis in physical education classes in higher education institutions. Research methods. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature; study and generalization of leading pedagogical experience; pedagogical observations. Results. Playing table tennis helps develop agility and speed. The pace of the game here varies from 30 to 120 beats per minute, the speed of movement of the hand with the racket reaches more than 11 m/s (40 km/h). Playing table tennis helps to develop and maintain high mobility in such joints as shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, and spinal joints. Table tennis is one of the sports characterized by aerobic support. The health-improving and psychotherapeutic effect of table tennis is primarily due to its aerobic nature. Conclusions. The use of table tennis classes within the discipline "Physical Education" contributes to the strengthening of health, improvement of physical fitness and development of physical qualities of applicants during their studies at a higher education institution. Table tennis is an effective means of preparing young people for industrial work, whose profession is characterized by good physical qualities, high intensity, stability, speed and accuracy of attention switching, high reaction speed and accuracy.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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