Motivation for sports training and related problems


Aleksiichuk Vasyl,Ponomarov Viktor,Korchagin Mukola


In modern society, thanks to the influence of social networks, the opinion is formed that sports should be a mandatory part of every person's life. Despite such propaganda, a fairly small percentage of people actually engage in sports on a regular basis. The problem of motivation to engage in physical culture and sports is an urgent issue in modern society. The purpose of the research is to identify problematic issues that affect people's motivations to engage in sports. The article provides an analysis of a survey of 216 respondents aged 17 to 45, including: athletes, students and cadets of higher educational institutions, sports bloggers, their subscribers, etc. Among the surveyed respondents, 8.3% do not do sports at all, 29.2% attend 1-2 training sessions a week, 37.5% have 3-4 training sessions, 25% of the study participants exercise 5 times or more. It was determined that 6% of the respondents train to prepare for competitions in the chosen sport; 42% do physical exercises "for themselves", that is, without a specific goal and without tasks to strive for; 36% for self-affirmation (to gain confidence in communicating with other people due to the feeling of improving one's physical development); and 16% do sports to prevent problems with their own health. Based on the results of the conducted research, a list of psychological problems that reduce motivation to go in for sports has also been determined: lack of free time, fear of looking like a newbie in the gym, lack of material resources and low level of health. The question of the factors affecting the desire of a modern person to do sports will be relevant for a long period of time, because the above problems are a reflection of today's social problems.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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