Features of forming the environmental competence of the future physical culture teacher for the work in the New Ukrainian School


Omelchuk O.,Domina Zh.


The paper deals with the essence, forms, methods and means of forming the environmental competence of future physical culture teachers. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problem of forming the environmental competence of future physical culture teachers to work in the New Ukrainian School (NUS).. It has been found that environmental competence is a multidimensional concept, its content depends on many factors. To determine the essence of environmental competence, the concept was analyzed in the system of categories of environmental psychology and pedagogy. It is found that environmental competence is formed in the process of specially organized educational activities and is the result of all life and educational experience. Conclusions Environmental competence is: a manifestation of environmental culture, environmental behavior, a component of professional, personal, integral competence and the ability to apply environmental knowledge, skills and experience in professional and life situations. The formation of environmental competence of future physical culture teachers is carried out in the study of disciplines of the cycle of general and professional and practical training, especially in the process of studying medical, biological, natural science disciplines, which are an integral part of the professional training of future specialists and have high professional significance. The formation of environmental competence involves a combination of formal and non-formal education methods and informal education. The process of forming the environmental competence of future physical culture teachers to work in the NUS requires the orientation of environmental education to the formation of knowledge and the development of experience of practical participation in improving the ecological state of the environment, identifying and promoting the solution of environmental problems, in the process of which mental neoplasms arise in the form of new goals, assessments, motives, attitudes, meanings


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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